


(abamectin 2%+ emamectin benzoate 6%)

What is Band 6 WG?
Band 6 WG is an excellent combination of two insecticides that provides a solution to insects of many crops and vegetables. It contains 20 g of abamectin per kg and 40 g of emamectin benzoate.

Mode of Action:

Band 6 WG is a contact, stomach, and limited systemic insecticide.


Band: How does the Band 6 WG work?

  • Low dose, high efficacy insecticide
  • It is effective for a wide range of insects
  • The larvae and insects die within 2-4 days after application

How to use:
For best results, first take the required amount of Band 6 WG in a small container, dissolve it in a small amount of water and make a paste.

Caution: Read and follow the instructions on the packet before use.

Crop Name of the Insects Dosage/ha. Per acre For 5 decimals of land (in 10 liters of water)
Rice BPH,Yellow Stem Borer 250 gm 100 gm 5gm
Jute Hairy caterpillar 250 gm 100 gm 5gm
Cotton Aphid, jassid, bollworm 200 gm 80 gm 4 gm
Brinjal, Bean Aphid 250 gm 100 gm 5 gm